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Trioliet is self-sufficient in electricity, with 4,400 solar panels

[Translate to English INT:] 1 hectare zonnepanelen op de productiehallen

[Translate to English INT:] De openingshandeling door wethouder Evelien Zinkweg en Rita Liet

[Translate to English INT:] Sander Bos (regiocoördinator Stichting Energieke Regio), Tim Schulte (Schulte Energie & Techniek), Alex Bulten (Subvice), Robert Liet (CEO Trioliet), Rita Liet (echtgenote van een van de oprichters van Trioliet), Kees Liet (Process Manager Trioliet), Evelien Zinkweg (Wethouder duurzaamheid Oldenzaal), Wim Schulte (Schulte Energie & Techniek), Krijn Ratsma (Stichting Energieke Regio), Tonny Lucassen (Lucassen Bouwconstructies), Merlinn van Nieuwkuijk (Energiecoördinator Noordoost Twente)

[Translate to English INT:] Een van de daken van de Trioliet fabriek

Over the last few weeks, 4,400 solar panels have been installed on the roof of the Trioliet factory in Oldenzaal. This means that Trioliet provides almost all of its own electricity. The solar panel roof is around 10,000 m2, making it one of the largest installations in the Eastern Netherlands. On Thursday, Evelien Zinkweg, Oldenzaal alderman for sustainability, and Rita Liet, the wife of one of the founders of Trioliet, officially inaugurated the installation. 

From the air, you can clearly see how large the solar panel roof of Trioliet is. 1 hectare of solar panels alone will generate enough energy to provide the company with its annual electricity consumption. The peak capacity is 1.2 Megawatt, which is enough for around 300 households. The producer of feeding technology for the dairy farming sector is now practically self-sufficient thanks to the solar panel park. "An investment in the future of Trioliet and in the environment," says Robert Liet, General Manager of the family-run company. "Sustainability is at the top of the agenda for the livestock sector, and this is our way of contributing to that. We were very attracted to the idea of providing our own electricity. It's really amazing that we can directly use the energy we generate to produce machines."

For this project, Trioliet collaborated with the Stichting Energieke Regio, a foundation which helps organisations to make their premises more sustainable. The company Schulte Energie & Techniek installed the 4,400 solar panels. The total investment of over a million euro has a payback period of around seven years. This shows that Trioliet is working towards sustainability, not only when it comes to the feeding technology it produces for its customers, but also at the front end of the production process.


<link 143 - internal-link "Opens internal link in current window">Read more about sustainability at Trioliet</link>